Design Deliverables

Snapshots of other design assets I have produced for teams, stakeholders, and clients

UX research & design • customer experience & service design • analytics & automation

Sales Giveaway Campaign Service Blueprint


The Context & Challenge

For the spring Discover Durham sales campaign, I partnered with the Sales & Partnerships team and our advertising agency to craft a campaign to raise awareness of the new Durham Convention & Arts Complex (DPlex) among regional meeting & event planners.

To drive engagement and new business leads for the team, we added a giveaway promotion to the campaign in which meeting planners seeing our ads could enter to win a free familiarization tour of the DPlex and downtown Durham. This opportunity to engage users across multiple touchpoints in the campaign and giveaway process also presented the challenge of providing a seamless and consistent customer experience across the different platforms and collaborating units.


Spring sales giveaway campaign service blueprint mapping out customer experience ownership across divisions and processes. Click to enlarge.


The Solution

I consulted with each team involved in the campaign and giveaway process, documenting their touchpoints on the user journey. In these conversations, we also collaborated in identifying opportunities to tweak approaches for seamless handoffs between teams owning services at different phases of the journey. I then mapped out all of these responsibilities and processes within a service blueprint that the different teams could refer to as a single source of truth that spanned divisional silos.


Team Roles and Deliverables

  • Discover Durham Sales & Partnerships team:

    • Insights on meeting planner markets and roles to target

    • Domain expertise on communications channels for the campaign

    • Collaboration with hospitality partners to build giveaway prize package

    • Ownership of relationships with customers via generated leads

  • Walk West advertising agency:

    • Placement of ads, copywriting, and audience targeting

    • Set up of campaign tracking and reporting to analyze customer movement through the funnel

  • My contributions:

    • Analysis of customer journey, strategy for conversion funnel, and design of end-to-end service blueprint

    • Creation of automated touchpoints to engage customers along the funnel

    • Design of campaign ad creative and copywriting


Example of ad creative assets and copy I made for the campaign. Click to enlarge.

Leisure Ad Campaign Persona and User Journey Development


The Context & Challenge

After the COVID-19 pandemic decimated travel to urban areas, Discover Durham needed to stimulate travel to the Durham region to drive economic impact in the community. To meet this need, we developed the “Rediscover Durham” leisure visitation marketing campaign, which would engage prospective visitors in a small drive-trip radius and introduce them to safe, COVID-conscious ways to enjoy a vacation in the destination.

The most difficult aspect of the campaign was developing the voice and the message. Individuals and families had drastically different levels of comfort with the idea of venturing out for anything beyond the bare necessities. Guidance around wearing masks, patronizing local businesses, and dining at restaurants was constantly evolving. Additionally, we needed to be more cautious than ever in ensuring we were reaching the right kinds of visitors who would behave conscientiously and responsibly while enjoying their time in Durham.


Example of psychographic persona, targeting, analytics flow, and user journey analysis for one of the campaign personas.


The Solution

The delicate dynamics made it inopportune to proceed with one blanket campaign and generic messaging for all. Instead, we decided to dive deep into the different audiences we could speak to and craft specially-tailored campaign messages that would meet them where they were.

To help shape our strategy, I convened a series of person-development workshops. In the workshops, each team member brought industry research, internal analytics data, and local anecdotal findings and distilled them into characters they could empathize with and talk to. At the end of the process, we had personas representing 6 different audiences we could pursue with different campaign messaging strategies.

To give each audience context about how to best travel under changing conditions, we took a content marketing approach to the campaign. Blog posts we had created during the depths of the pandemic about how to safely enjoy Durham became fertile ground to share with external audiences. I conducted a web analytics-based user journey analysis of these content pieces and suggested improvements to make them more engaging and sticky for the campaign.


Team Roles and Products

  • Discover Durham Marketing & Partnerships team:

    • Industry research and visitor anecdotal evidence

    • Co-creation of personas

  • My contributions:

    • Persona creation workshop facilitation

    • Analysis of blog reader user journey with recommendations for improving user engagement


The 6 target audience personas we co-created for the leisure marketing campaign. Click to enlarge.

Tourism Visitation Analytics Report


The Context & Challenge

Each year, Discover Durham typically commissions a visitor profile study that reports the previous year’s traveler volume to Durham County, as well as visitor interests and behavior. As revenue contracted during the COVID-19 pandemic, the budget for the outsourced visitor profile was eliminated. However, Discover Durham and its economic development & hospitality partners still needed these visitor insights to be strategic about campaign planning as we emerged from the pandemic.


Excerpted slides from the executive summary of the Visitation Profile. Click to enlarge and see more.


The Solution

Although we could not conduct a full-blown survey-based study, we still had other tools to gain insights into visitor trends and behavior. Using Arrivalist’s aggregated visitor movement data, I was able to pull reports on origin markets, trip duration, seasonality, and visitor movement within the destination. I dove into this dataset and extracted segments that yielded new findings into the state of visitor behavior and the visitor journey emerging from the pandemic.

The resulting report (excerpted here) became instrumental in our subsequent campaign planning. We also shared the findings with our community partners, who also found value in it as they planned their own advertising campaigns to get a foothold on bottled up visitor demand.

Role and Products

  • My contributions:

    • Reporting and analysis of visitation data from Arrivalist

    • Compilation and distribution of final report & executive summary

Image Submission Automation


The Context & Challenge

As Discover Durham sought to expand their newly launched image library, we identified a great opportunity to accelerate the collection's growth by soliciting image submissions from community partners. However, each request quickly became encumbered by walking partners through how to submit their images and back-and-forth discussions over copyright and permissions. After receiving the images, there was also a manual process to create the paperwork indicating the appropriate license to use the work; and passing along images to colleagues who might have a time-sensitive interest in them was What had seemed like low-hanging fruit quickly became bottlenecked by logistics, and we needed a different approach to the process to turn it into a real force multiplier.


Flowchart illustrating the image submission automation terminating in follow-up steps for team members. Click to enlarge.


The Solution

I created an image submission form that structured how partners supplied us with their images and streamlined confirmation of copyright and usage permissions.

After building the form, I also automated the Dropbox upload process for submitted images and licensing paperwork. Finally, I made rules in Asana to auto-assign tasks to team members to process or copy the images depending on the inferred content and their team affiliation.

Since launch, the form has been hugely successful, yielding 100 image submissions from community partners to date and saving nearly as many internal team hours of communicating with submitters on upload processes and usage rights clearance.

Role and Products

  • My contributions:

    • Creation of image submission form

    • Design and establishment of automation workflow

    • Production of team-facing documentation


Up Next: Creative Work

Examples of creative projects I have done for teams and clients

videography • graphic design • photography